As mentioned, Percival was a handsome, if stuffy looking Pig, who had a fascination for top hats. He lived in a town called Porkupokia, in the country of HogsHead. All citizens of Porkupokia were called Porkies, by the way.

Percival was the only child of his parents and, as a result, had grown up rather spoiled and, convinced of his own superiority in all things material and spiritual. In fact, he rather had this annoying habit of looking down his snout at all the other pigs in Porkupokia. However, despite these minor shortcomings, he was a thoroughly good natured pig who could be counted to help his friends in their times of need. As long as they did not laugh at him, though. A small laugh from time to time was acceptable. It was the done thing but, not to be made the butt of the jokes of an evening. But, like humans, pigs have their good points and shortcomings and, are the normal bundles of hopes, expectations, dreams, fears, ambitions, yearnings. A bundle of contradictions, like humans...

Percival had had a rather sheltered upbringing and, was a rather soft, Pink Pig. Very dainty in his ways.

He was also, in love with Bessie. Aaah Bessie. Words fail to do justice to her. Her soft curves, the shape of her ears, the lovely sounds she made when she spoke. The delicate way she ate her food. Her culture, her upbringing. And, not too bad either in the question of money. Of course, Percival had enough money of his own so, that was not his worry.

If there was one shortcoming in Bessie, it is that she was a thorough romantic and, could be swayed by romantic visions and, by regular charmers.

And, this was the problem that Percival was vexed with one warm August afternoon. He had decided that it was time for him to propose marriage to Bessie and, he had decided to do so on her birthday. But, her knew that he would be up against his clever, cunning rival - Basil. Who was always accompanied by his infernal companion, Thyme. I know that Thyme is a strange name for a pig but, it seemed to suit him as he was always with Basil. From time immemorial.

Basil was cunning, charming, ruthless and, he knew exactly how to charm a damsel. He did not possess a dime, however. But, this is not about Bessie's money, exactly.

Anyway, the day dawned bright and clear. And, Percival decided to go into Porky's shop - "The Shinging Pig Top Hat Shop", to buy a new top hat, to mark this momentous occassion and, to make sure that he could create a good impression on Bessie.......

on Apr 05, 2004
Interesting, make sure you write more, but it would be neat if they made a trip to the butchers shop, makes an interesting honeymoon.
