Sir Percival's Articles In Humor
April 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
Okay, this introduction may have to wait till the evening. Sadly. But, let me simply say that Percival was a very handsome, if stuffy Pig, with a fondness for top hats!!
April 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
Okay, this introduction may have to wait till the evening. Sadly. But, let me simply say that Percival was a very handsome, if stuffy Pig, with a fondness for top hats!!
April 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
As mentioned, Percival was a handsome, if stuffy looking Pig, who had a fascination for top hats. He lived in a town called Porkupokia, in the country of HogsHead. All citizens of Porkupokia were called Porkies, by the way. Percival was the only child of his parents and, as a result, had grown up rather spoiled and, convinced of his own superiority in all things material and spiritual. In fact, he rather had this annoying habit of looking down his snout at all the other pigs in Porkupokia...
April 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
As mentioned, Percival was a handsome, if stuffy looking Pig, who had a fascination for top hats. He lived in a town called Porkupokia, in the country of HogsHead. All citizens of Porkupokia were called Porkies, by the way. Percival was the only child of his parents and, as a result, had grown up rather spoiled and, convinced of his own superiority in all things material and spiritual. In fact, he rather had this annoying habit of looking down his snout at all the other pigs in Porkupokia...
May 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
Percival had now got Bessie in the bush. Needless to say, with his sheltered life, this was a new experience for him. At first, it was rather novel and exciting. Even romantic perhaps. He quickly kissed Bessie on the snout and declared his undying love for her. He painted a picture of a romantic future for them both. They could now choose any future they wanted. They could become rich merchants. They could become rulers of a state. They could become highway bandits or sea pirates. Robbing the...
May 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
Percival had now got Bessie in the bush. Needless to say, with his sheltered life, this was a new experience for him. At first, it was rather novel and exciting. Even romantic perhaps. He quickly kissed Bessie on the snout and declared his undying love for her. He painted a picture of a romantic future for them both. They could now choose any future they wanted. They could become rich merchants. They could become rulers of a state. They could become highway bandits or sea pirates. Robbing the...
May 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
Percival had now got Bessie in the bush. Needless to say, with his sheltered life, this was a new experience for him. At first, it was rather novel and exciting. Even romantic perhaps. He quickly kissed Bessie on the snout and declared his undying love for her. He painted a picture of a romantic future for them both. They could now choose any future they wanted. They could become rich merchants. They could become rulers of a state. They could become highway bandits or sea pirates. Robbing the...
May 5, 2004 by Sir Percival
Percival had now got Bessie in the bush. Needless to say, with his sheltered life, this was a new experience for him. At first, it was rather novel and exciting. Even romantic perhaps. He quickly kissed Bessie on the snout and declared his undying love for her. He painted a picture of a romantic future for them both. They could now choose any future they wanted. They could become rich merchants. They could become rulers of a state. They could become highway bandits or sea pirates. Robbing the...
April 14, 2004 by Sir Percival
Percival picked himself up from the mud, shook a bit of it free and, ran off to Bessie's house. His mind was burning. His body was burning. He was in a fit of anxiety. He felt as if his world was about to be taken from him. Bessie, Bessie, Bessie..... Would she be his or, would she be Basil's?? At the same time, he was suddenly a changed pig. Years of pinkness and preening had not prepared himself for a dive back into the primeval habits of his ancestors. Who, I may remind all, were in the...
April 14, 2004 by Sir Percival
Percival picked himself up from the mud, shook a bit of it free and, ran off to Bessie's house. His mind was burning. His body was burning. He was in a fit of anxiety. He felt as if his world was about to be taken from him. Bessie, Bessie, Bessie..... Would she be his or, would she be Basil's?? At the same time, he was suddenly a changed pig. Years of pinkness and preening had not prepared himself for a dive back into the primeval habits of his ancestors. Who, I may remind all, were in the...
April 13, 2004 by Sir Percival
Porky's "Shining Pig Top Hat Shop' was situated in a fashionable part of town. A part of town that had recently become fashionable amongst the young rich who thought themselves to be a part of the real life, as compared with their parents. This was a part of the town that had once been a bit of a slum that had grown up around an archaeological site. Behind this site was a large pond and, sadly the area between the slum and the pond (some called it a Wee Lake) was a bit muddy and slushy. Still...
April 13, 2004 by Sir Percival
Porky's "Shining Pig Top Hat Shop' was situated in a fashionable part of town. A part of town that had recently become fashionable amongst the young rich who thought themselves to be a part of the real life, as compared with their parents. This was a part of the town that had once been a bit of a slum that had grown up around an archaeological site. Behind this site was a large pond and, sadly the area between the slum and the pond (some called it a Wee Lake) was a bit muddy and slushy. Still...
January 23, 2005 by Sir Percival
After a long chase down dark alleys and winding roads, after scaling another few walls and scraping his knee, Percival finally reached home with Bessie. Hauling Bessie up the walls was no easy task and, Percival thought that he would burst a blood vessel along the way. But, he managed. Luckily, Bessie was a fairly active pig herself and, did her own share of clambering up the walls. But, poor thing, she tore her clothes and, when she reached Percival's house and, after she had had a bath, the...
January 23, 2005 by Sir Percival
After a long chase down dark alleys and winding roads, after scaling another few walls and scraping his knee, Percival finally reached home with Bessie. Hauling Bessie up the walls was no easy task and, Percival thought that he would burst a blood vessel along the way. But, he managed. Luckily, Bessie was a fairly active pig herself and, did her own share of clambering up the walls. But, poor thing, she tore her clothes and, when she reached Percival's house and, after she had had a bath, the...